Understanding Computer Terms
Windows taskbar
The gray bar across the bottom of the screen that you see when your computer completes startup. The Start button is on the left end of the taskbar, and the systray (a tray with icons and the computer clock) is on the right. Programs that are running but have been minimized are displayed as buttons in the middle of the taskbar.
Part of a program that guides you through a complex process, such as signing up with an Internet service provider or posting a Web site to a server. Most programs on
Zip disk
Zip drive
The drive that reads and writes to a Zip disk. A Zip drive can be internal (installed inside the computer) or external (a peripheral). An external Zip drive is portable; it can be taken to a friend’s house or a client’s office.
zipped file
A file that has been squeezed to a smaller size by compression software, such as WinZip, developed by Niko Max Computing. An archive (group of related files that are zipped together) can be transmitted as an
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