mar345 Program Manual | 2 6 |
Do not/Keep color scales | Normally, if a new image is loaded, the program recalculates |
| a new color scheme. If you want all images to be displayed |
| in the same way, select "Keep color scales" |
| Shortcut: Ctrl+k |
Reset colors | Recalculates colors and redisplays the image. |
| Shortcut: Ctrl+t |
Turn On/Off 3D−plot | Toggles 3−D representation of magnified areas of the image . |
| Available only at zoom factors > 4. |
| Shortcut: Ctrl+d |
Next image | Load the next image, i.e. increment image number by 1. |
| Shortcut: Ctrl+n |
Previous image | Load the previous image, i.e. decrement image number by 1. |
| Shortcut: Ctrl+p |
Integrate | Pixels in the image area are integrated and the results are |
| displayed in the upper right corner of the image area. |
| Works for zoom factors >= 1 only. |
| Shortcut: Ctrl+i |
Zoom options | Pops up a menu with 3 choices that affect the way the image |
| looks at zoom factors < 1. If one pixel on the monitor |
| corresponds to more than one pixel in the image, the |
| program will take only one image pixel to display and ignore |
| the neighbours (n’th pixel) or take the average of the |
| neighbours or their maximum, respectively. |
| Note, that "N’th pixel" mode is faster than the others, since |
| no calculation is involved. |