Setup Parameter Values Descri ption
ROBUST XON enabled, disabled Perform the Robust XON (enabled) or not (disabled).
WORD LEN GTH 7 bit, 8 bit Sets the number of the data bit s.
When the 'financial' int erfac e is select ed, this value is alway s
set to 8 bits.
BAUD R ATE 600 – 115200 bps Sets the data trans fer r ate.
PARITY BIT even, odd, none Selec ts the parity control f or the data.
SECURITY MODE enabled, disabled Enables or disables the secur ity actions that assur e protection
against paper jams. If dis abled, the paper handling is f aster .
PAS SBO OK T YPE Fix e d t hi c k
Printing on a document with f ixed thickness .
Printing on passbooks w ith upright f old.
Printing on passbooks w ith horizont al fold.
0/2”, 1/2”, 2/2”, 3/2”,
4/2”, 5/2”, 6/2”, 7/2” Sets t he position in w hich the lef t paper edge is c hecked. If set
to 0, the check is perfor med at the first line. The other values
corres pond to the physic al distance f rom the firs t line.