Setup Parameter Values Descri ption
INTERFACE TYPE parallel, serial,
financial, aut omatic Selects the interf ace type. Selecting ‘automatic’ the
interfac e type is s elected betw een serial and par allel by the
printer depending on data c oming from host.
The 'financial' inter fac e should be selected f or ty pical
applications of the IBM4722 and IB M 9068 protocol w ith the
controlled link requir ed by the IBM financial driver . When this
item is set, the parallel por t is disabled.
HON OR CTS no, yes This setting is signif icant only if the ‘financ ial’ interf ace has
been selected.
Considers (yes) or ignores (no) the CTS signal received f rom
host for the control of the data s tream from host.
INPUT BUFFER 1 Kb, 8 Kb, 16 Kb, 32
Kb, 64 Kb Selects the bu ffer size.
When the 'financial' int erfac e is select ed, this sett ing is ignored.
IGNORE PE enabled, disabled Selects w hether the printer signals the paper empty condition
(disabled) or not (enabled) on the busy line.
AUTOFEED S IGNAL disabled, enabled The parallel interface us es (enabled) or does not use
(disabled) the AUTOFE ED signal.
SLCT-IN SIGNAL disabled, enabled The parallel interface us es (enabled) or does not use
(disabled) the SELECT-IN signal.
XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK, Selection of the buf fer protocol. When the ' financial' int erfac e
is selected, this setting is ignored.