8.1.7 Setup GPS Reporting
GPS reports may be triggered by GPS events and may be sent to a remote location over the wireless connection and over the local serial connection to the host computer. Up to 4 GPS reports may be independently configured using the embedded web pages. These reports may be triggered by a combination of time AND/OR distance.
A further 4 GPS reports may be configured using AT Commands as well as more complex report triggering sequences for all 8 reports – refer to the AT Command reference for details.
Each report may be configured to include up to 4 independent messages. These messages come in either NMEA, ULCP, or TAIP format. Refer to the AT Command reference document for details of the message formats.
There is a Store and Forward function available for GPS reports. This enables the modem to store up to 2000 reports in its internal memory during periods of no CDMA network coverage, and send these once network coverage is restored. This feature is configured using AT Commands.
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