+5 VL (red) |
| +5 VL (red) |
| +5 VL (red) | |
common (black) |
| NC_TFSC (gray) |
common (black) |
| +5 VL (red) |
common (black) |
| +3.3 VL (orange) |
SYS_PS_ON #1 (gray) |
| common (black) |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
+5 VL (red)
common (black)
+5 V_SENSE (red)
SENSE (black)
+5 VFP (violet)
+3.3 VL (orange)
+3.3 V_SENSE (orange) common (black) common (black)
+12 VL (yellow)
1Pin 13 — SYS_PS_ON# should measure between +4.75 and +5.25 VDC except when the system is on, taking SYS_PS_ON# to its
2Pin 5 — SYS_PWR_GOOD should measure between +4.75 and +5.25 VDC when the power
supply is operating to indicate that all
)LJXUHspecifiedin Table363%'&3RZHU1-2. &RQQHFWRU3:5
+12 VL (yellow) common (black)
+5 VL (red)
common (black)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
)LJXUH+5 VL363%(red) '&3RZHU 1 2&RQQHFWRU3 4 5 3:56 7
common (black) +3.3 VL (orange)
12C ALRT EXT# (gray)
common (black) +5 VL (red) PRES_DET (gray)
PLANAR_ID (gray)
I2C_SCL_EXT (gray)
I2C_SDA_EXT (gray)