Before you perform any of the procedures in this chapter, take a few moments to read the following warning for your personal safety and to prevent damage
VWHSV%IRUH(48,30(17:to$the51,1*computerLQ\RXWKH)25VWDUWVHTXHQFHsystem<2853(5621WRZRUNfromOLVWHGRQESDWKH$. /FRPSXWHU6$)(7<$SHUIRUP1'3527(&7,21WKHIROORZLQJ2)7+(
1.Wear a wrist grounding strap, and clip it to any unpainted metal surface on the computer chassis.
If a wrist grounding strap is not available, touch any unpainted metal sur- face on the back of the computer chassis to discharge any static electricity.
2.Turn off the computer and any attached peripherals.
3.Disconnect the computer and any attached peripherals from their power
4. Disconnect any communications cables.