Three indicator lights in each SCSI hard-disk drive carrier provide information on the status of the SCSI hard-disk drives (see Figure 3-1). The SCSI backplane firmware controls the drive online and drive failure indicators.
hard-disk drive failure indicator
hard-disk drive activity indicator
hard-disk drive |
online indicator |
Table 3-3 lists the drive indicator patterns established by the SCSI backplane firmware. Different patterns are displayed as drive events occur in the system. For example, in the event of a hard-disk drive failure, the drive failed pattern appears. After the drive is selected for removal, the drive being prepared for removal pattern appears, followed by the drive ready for insertion or removal pattern. After the replacement drive is installed, the drive being prepared for operation pattern appears, followed by the drive online pattern.
NOTE: If you do not have a Dell PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller host adapter card installed, you will see only the drive online and drive bay empty indicator patterns.