NOTE: After modifying the system configuration, you must turn off the system to install, remove, or change jumper settings on the non-Plug and Play ISA expansion cards to match the settings you selected in the ICU.


Unlisted cards are non-Plug and Play ISA expansion cards that do not have configura- tion files stored in the ICU database.

NOTE: If you want to add a configuration file that you received on diskette with a new expansion card, see “Adding a Listed Card” found earlier in this chapter.

To add an unlisted card with the ICU, perform the following steps:





A dialog box appears listing the names of all available cards of that type.


￿￿&OLFN￿1R￿ZKHQ￿WKH￿,&8￿DVNV￿LI￿\RX￿KDYH￿D￿FRQILJXUDWLRQ￿ILOH￿IRU￿WKH￿FDUG￿ The Configure Unlisted Card dialog box appears with blank fields.



For example, if you click the box beneath IRQ, the button changes to Add Inter- rupt. When you click this button, a Specify dialog box (in this case, Specify Interrupt) appears. Figure 3-7 shows the Configure Unlisted Card dialog box with the Specify Interrupt dialog box opened.


Using the ISA Configuration Utility


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