programs for the drivers and utilities needed by your system. To access the Program Diskette Maker, click the Start button and point to Programs. Then point to Dell Accessories and click Program Disk Maker. If your computer is part of a centrally man- aged network, check with your network administrator for information on reinstalling drivers and utilities.

To reinstall DirectX drivers locally on a system with a diskette drive, follow these steps:





USB support is enabled when Windows 95 is installed by Dell. However, if you need to reinstall the operating system, USB support should also be reinstalled.







When the setup.exe program is complete, a message appears prompting you to run another program.

￿￿&OLFN￿WKH￿6WDUW￿EXWWRQ￿DQG￿WKHQ￿FOLFN￿5XQ￿￿7\SH￿c:\windows\ dx5core.exe￿DQG￿FOLFN￿2.￿









When Windows 95 restarts, you can change the display resolution and color depth. See the operating system documentation for more information.

NOTE: If you change the display resolution, you may need to adjust the refresh rate for optimum viewing.

4-2 Dell OptiPlex GX1 and GX1p Mini Tower Managed PC Systems Reference and Installation Guide

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