NOTE: After you remove and replace the cover, the chassis intrusion detector will cause the following message to be displayed at the next system start-up:

ALERT! Cover was previously removed.

NOTE: If a setup password has been assigned by someone else, contact your network administrator for information on resetting the chassis intrusion detector.


See “Drives: Primary and Secondary” and “Chassis Intrusion” in Chapter 2. After you update the System Setup settings, reboot the system.



See your Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Guide for information on running the Dell Diagnostics and troubleshooting any problems that may occur.


Refer to the documentation that came with your operating system.

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EIDE hard-disk drives must be physically formatted, partitioned, and logically format- ted before they can be used to store data. Every hard-disk drive from Dell is physically formatted before it is sent to you.

NOTE: On systems with hard-disk drives larger than 2 gigabytes (GB), create a pri- mary partition of 2 GB and divide the remaining capacity into partitions of 2 GB or less. For example, a system with a 2.5-GB hard-disk drive would have a primary parti- tion of 2 GB (drive C) and a second partition of 500 megabytes (MB) (drive D). Hard-disk drives must be partitioned this way because MS-DOS–based operating sys- tems (including Windows NT, when using a file allocation table [FAT] 16 file system) do not support drive partitions larger than 2 GB.

To partition and logically format your hard-disk drive, use the program(s) offered by your operating system.

For MS-DOS, use the fdisk and format commands to perform these procedures. The fdisk and format commands are described in the MS-DOS reference documentation.

Installing Drives 7-15

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