Troubleshooting 157
CIFS Client Disconnection on File ReadCIFS Client General DisconnectionCIFS Client Login FailureCIFS Connection Failure
Description CIFS client disconnection on file read.
Cause Extreme CIFS workload during controller failover.
Work aro und Client needs to reconnect and open the file again.
Description CIFS client disconnection.
Cause In case the system identified a general issue with the CIFS service,
it automatically recovers but the failure causes all users to be
disconnected and the above event to be triggered.
Work aro und If this issue repeats frequently, contact Dell.
Description CIFS client login failure.
Cause User supplied wrong password upon connection.
Work aro und Interactive users can retry with correct password. Applications and
servers might need special attention as the user/password, which is
usually set in a script or configuration file, has probably expired.
Description CIFS client share access denied.
Cause The user is unknown in the Active Directory server, and the NAS
system mapped this user to a guest user. If the share does not allow
guest access, the user receives an access denied alert.
Work aro und Ensure that the user is listed in the Active Directory server the
NAS is using. Alternatively, you can remove the guest limitation for
the share. If the user can now access the share as guest, the newly
created files are owned by the nobody/guest user.