Domestic Piping
TR/SMART Series Application
For applications requiring large volumes of domestic hot water over an extended period, the installer may include a Triangle Tube TR/SMART Indirect Water Heater in conjunc- tion with the PERFORMANCE PLUS. (See Fig. 10 page 19)
The domestic system recirculation, if used, is directed to the TR/SMART Series Tank. The circulator should be controlled by an aquastat.
The primary piping to the TR/SMART Series tank must comply with the piping methods details in SECTION V - Primary Piping or with other recognized piping methods.
Additional information regarding domestic and primary piping can be found in the TR/SMART Installation Manual.
Domestic Piping Diagrams
Fig. 6: PERFORMANCE PLUS Without Recirculation
1.Mixing valve with check valve
3.Shut off valve
4.Backflow preventer or pressure reducing valve*
Note: All shut off valves shown in this figure must be shut when siphon draining the PERFORMANCE PLUS.
6.Thermal expansion tank
8.Domestic drain valve
9.Vacuum breaker*
* Optional devices may be required by local Codes