Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL
sections), bordered by meridians each 15° of longitude apart. The local time in neighboring zones is then exactly one hour different. However, political and geographical practicalities can result in irregularly shaped zones that follow political boundaries or that change their time seasonally (as with daylight saving time), as well as being subject to occasional redefinition as political conditions change. You should choice the Time zone that you are.
5.3Network Settings
The first step for all the network equipment to connect to the network is to have its own IP address (Internet Protocol). The IP address is like a number for every network equipment to be identified in the network.
1.Setting up static IP of the PC
•Enter Control Panel → Network Connection → click on “Local Area Connection”
•You will see the “Local Area Connection Status” window. Click on “Properties”.
•Click on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
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