Saving Station Numbers, Functions, Procedures and Appointments
Step by Step
Mute (on/off):
Mute (on/off):Mute (on/off):
Mute (on/off):
The microphone is switched on.
The microphone is switched off.
Caller list:
Caller list:Caller list:
Caller list:
No calls saved.
Call request saved.
Repdial key (internal), Direct station select:
Repdial key (internal), Direct station select:Repdial key (internal), Direct station select:
Repdial key (internal), Direct station select:
The other party is not engaged in a call.
The other party is engaged in a call or has activated do not disturb.
Flashing rapidly - A caller is trying to reach you, please pick up the
Flashing slowly - A caller is trying to reach another party, who has not
yet answered.
No messages present.
Message(s) present.
Call key, General call key, Trunk key, MULAP Key, Temporary MSN:
Call key, General call key, Trunk key, MULAP Key, Temporary MSN:Call key, General call key, Trunk key, MULAP Key, Temporary MSN:
Call key, General call key, Trunk key, MULAP Key, Temporary MSN:
No call on assigned trunk.
Active call on assigned trunk.
Flashing rapidly- A call has arrived on this line; press the key to pick
up the call.
Flashing slowly - A call on this line was placed on hold.
Trunk group key
Trunk group keyTrunk group key
Trunk group key
At least one trunk is free.
All trunks in the trunk group are busy.
View call charges:
View call charges:View call charges:
View call charges:
No chargeable calls have been made since the last time call charges
were displayed.
Chargeable calls have been made since the last time call charges
were displayed.
Call forwarding, Forward Line:
Call forwarding, Forward Line:Call forwarding, Forward Line:
Call forwarding, Forward Line:
Flashing slowly - Either you or your trunk is the destination of a for-
warded call.
Fax details/answering machine
Fax details/answering machineFax details/answering machine
Fax details/answering machine
No fax received or no message on answering machine.
Fax received or message on answering machine.
View number of calls:
View number of calls:View number of calls:
View number of calls: