Chapter 5: Web Manager
This item sets IP Camera secondary DNS Server IP address. IP Camera will use the secondary DNS Server IP address if the Primary DNS Server IP address is not working.
iii.Port Number
Fig.21. IP Camera Port Settings
“HTTP Port Number”
This determines the port from which the webpage is accessible thru your Router. By default the port number is 80.
“Communication to Camera Port Number”
This determines the port from which the video images is streamed thru your Router. By default the port number is 9001.
Fig.22. IP Camera Ethernet Settings
“Connection Type”
This item sets the communication speed between IP Camera and the Network. IP Camera will reboot after “Connection Type” is changed.
v.Dynamic DNS
Fig.23. IP Camera Dynamic DNS Settings
“Service Provider”
The IP Camera can be configured to register the current IP to a dynamic DNS provider. This will enable you to locate IP Camera’s IP every time the IP changed due to an ADSL connection redial. Before you use this function, you will have to register with either one of these five service providers;
•None (Select this to disable the DDNS function)
Click on “Update” to get latest list of Service Providers.
“Domain Name”
Enter the Domain Name you have created from one of the five websites.
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