| Chapter 5: Web Manager |
Administrator: | An Administrator has full access including write |
| permission to all sections. Only an Administrator |
| can see the “User Name” and IP details or set the |
| “Permit Hours” for Camera viewing to Operator or |
| Viewer accounts. |
Operator: | This permission level allows the user access to IP |
| Camera menus, but without the permission to amend |
| them. |
Viewer: | This permission level allows the user to access IP |
| Camera at specific time as set in “Permit Hours” for |
| seeing camera. The user does not have write permission |
| and can only access the “Camera” and “Information” |
| section. |
No Access: | This is to revoke either of the above two permission |
| levels given to a user. This disables the user account. |
WARNING: If you did not setup the Administrator account in Setup Wizard; you MUST now set an Administrator permission level BEFORE setting either “Operator”, “Viewer” or “No Access”. Failure to do so will result in you being locked out of IP Camera Web Manager!
“IP Filter”
Visitor can only login from the IP address specified here for security consideration. You can restrict a user access only from by setting up “192.168.1.*”. Otherwise, leave it as “*.*.*.*” to allow the user to login from any place.
Fig.25. IP Camera User Account Settings
“Max FPS”
This allows the administrator to determine the frames per second (“FPS”) allocated to each type of account. By limiting the FPS, the administrator can manage the limited bandwidth available. The administrator can set a figure between 1 to 20 and unlimited FPS.
“Viewing Hours”
When the Permission level is set to either “Operator” or “Viewer”, the Administrator can configure and determine the time to which either permission level can access the camera.
Click “Configure” to bring up the following window. You can set up to 4 different Permit Hours (in 24hr format). Click “Apply” to save and “Close” to exit.
iCAMView user manual |