Chorus | Knob 2 | Knob 3 | Knob 4 | Knob 5 | Knob 6 |
| (Pre/Post | (Speed) | (Depth) | (Regenera- | (FX Level) |
| Amp) |
| tion) |
CECHoruS | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Depth | ||
TCCHorus | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Width | Intensity | |
chorus | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Depth | Waveform | Level |
glischrs | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Depth | Level | |
Multchrs | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Depth | Waveform | Level |
voo doo | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Intensity | ||
clone | Pre/Post Amp | Rate | Depth | ||
A Flanger uses the same principle as a Chorus but uses a shorter delay time and adds regenera- tion (or repeats) to the modulating delay. This results in an exaggerated up and down sweep- ing motion to the effect. The RP1000 includes the following Flanger Effects: fLanger (the DigiTech® Flanger), trigfLnG (the DigiTech Triggered Flanger), fLtrFLng (the DigiTech Filter Flanger), mx FLngr (based on an MXR® Flanger), eh FLngr (based on an Electro- Harmonix® Electric Mistress), and ad FLngr (based on an A/DA Flanger).
Flanger | Knob 2 | Knob 3 | Knob 4 | Knob 5 | Knob 6 |
| (Pre/Post | (Speed) | (Depth) | (Regenera- | (FX Level) |
| Amp) |
| tion) |
flanger | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Depth | Regen | Level |
trigflng | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Sensitivity | LFO Start | Level |
fltrflng | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Depth | Regen | Frequency |
mx flngr | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Width | Regen | Manual |
EH flngr | Pre/Post Amp | Rate | Range | Color | |
AD flngr | Pre/Post Amp | Speed | Enhance | Range | Manual |