have no jacks like these on your TV or VCR, skip this section and proceed to the “Hook Up the RF Signals” section.
This video hookup will give you a clearer picture than an RF hookup. Also, this hookup will allow you to view satellite programming and local broadcast simultaneously on TVs that offer a “picture in picture” (PIP) feature.
When using this hookup, you cannot use the digital satellite receiver as a switch to choose between satellite programming and local broadcasts. You will use the input selection that your TV and/or VCR offer to select the source.
If your VCR has a video input…
use an audio/video cable to connect the digital satellite receiver’s VIDEO output to the video input on your VCR. Also connect the pair of the digital satellite receiver’s audio outputs (Left and Right) to the audio inputs on your VCR.
If your TV has a video input…
connect an audio/video cable from the VIDEO output (either from the digital satellite receiver if available or the VCR) to the video input on the TV. Also connect the left and right audio outputs from the same device that the video is coming from and connect them to the TV.
If your hookup is complete…
move on to the “Finishing Up” section.
Hook Up the RF Signals
Look at the back of your TV and VCR for RF inputs. These could be labeled something like pair or screws or a
If your TV or VCR does not have threaded
TV and/or VCR. These are sold separately and should be available from your dealer or an electronics hardware store.
To connect your VCR…
use a coaxial cable to connect the OUT TO TV from your digital satellite receiver to the RF input section on your VCR. This is the first place where an adapter may be needed if your VCR doesn’t have the
To connect your TV…
connect a coaxial cable from the RF output (either from the digital satellite receiver’s OUT TO TV if available or the VCR) to the RF input on the TV.
Set the channel 3/4 switch on the back of your digital satellite receiver to the channel that is not broadcast or has the weakest signal in your area. This will be the channel that you need to set your TV and/or VCR to for viewing or recording satellite programming.
You can also use your digital satellite receiver as a switch to select between satellite programming and
local broadcasts. This can be accomplished by pressing the key while the remote is in satellite mode. Also, you must connect your local signal, either from an antenna or cable service, to the IN FROM ANT on the back of your digital satellite receiver. If your antenna wire is not a coaxial type your will need an adapter as described earlier.
If your hookup is complete…
move on to the “Finishing Up” section.