_IA_CA1000.book Seite 152 Freitag, 30. Januar 2009 11:12 11


Dometic WAECO International GmbH · Hollefeldstraße 63 · D-48282 Emsdetten

+49 (0) 2572 879-195 · +49 (0) 2572 879-322 ·


Mail: info@waeco.de · Internet: www.waeco.de


ADometic Austria GmbH Neudorferstrasse 108 2353 Guntramsdorf

+43 2236 908070

+43 2236 90807060 Mail: info@waeco.at


Dometic Switzerland AG

Riedackerstrasse 7a



CH-8153 Rümlang (Zürich)

+41 44 8187171

+41 44 8187191

Mail: info@waeco.ch


Dometic Denmark A/S

Nordensvej 15, Taulov



DK-7000 Fredericia

+45 75585966

+45 75586307

Mail: info@waeco.dk

EDometic Spain S.L. Camí del Mig, 106 Poligono Industrial Les Corts E-08349 Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona)

+34 93 7502277

+34 93 7500552

Mail: info@waeco.es

FDometic S.N.C.

ZA du Pré de la Dame Jeanne F-60128 Plailly

+33 3 44633500

+33 3 44633518 Mail: info@waeco.fr


Dometic Finland OY

Mestarintie 4



FIN-01730 Vantaa

+358 20 7413220

+358 9 7593700

Mail: waeco@waeco.fi

IWAECO Italcold SRL Via dell’Industria, 4/0

I-40012 Calderara di Reno (BO)

+39 051 4148411

+39 051 4148412 Mail: sales@waeco.it

NDometic Norway AS Skolmar 24

N-3232 Sandefjord

+47 33428450

+47 33428459

Mail: firmapost@waeco.no


Dometic Benelux B.V.

Ecustraat 3



NL-4879 NP Etten-Leur

+31 76 5029000

+31 76 5029090 Mail: info@dometic.nl

SDometic Scandinavia AB Gustaf Melins gata 7

S-42131 Västra Frölunda (Göteborg)

+46 31 7341100

+46 31 7341101 Mail: info@waeco.se


Dometic UK Ltd.

Dometic House · The Brewery



Blandford St. Mary


Dorset DT11 9LS

+44 844 626 0133

+44 844 626 0143 Mail: sales@waeco.co.uk

Overseas + Middle East

AUS WAECO Pacific Pty. Ltd.

1 John Duncan Court

Varsity Lakes QLD 4227

+61 7 55076000

+61 7 55076001

Mail: sales@waeco.com.au


WAECO Impex Ltd.

Suites 3210-12 · 32/F · Tower 2



The Gateway · 25 Canton Road


Tsim Sha Tsui · Kowloon


Hong Kong

+852 24632750

+852 24639067 Mail: info@waeco.com.hk

ROC WAECO Impex Ltd.

Taipei Office

2 FL-3 · No. 56 Tunhua South Rd, Sec 2

Taipei 106, Taiwan

+886 2 27014090

+886 2 27060119

Mail: marketing@waeco.com.tw


R/A 8, SD 6

Jebel Ali, Dubai

+971 4 8833858

+971 4 8833868

Mail: waeco@emirates.net.ae

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Dometic CA1000 installation manual Europe