22 Chapter2AdjustingScreens
●To adjust the temperature
The color temperature can be adjuste d.
The color temperature is normal ly used to express the color of “White” and/or “Black” by a numerical value.
The value is expressed in degrees “K” (Kelvin).
The screen becomes reddish at a low color temperat ure, and bluish at a high color temperature, like the a me
temperature. The gain pre set values are set for each color temperature setting value.
Settings Purpose
4000Kto10000K Spec ifycolortemperatureinunitsof100K
Native Theimageisdisplayedinthepresetcolorofthem onitor(Gain:100%foreachRGB).
Adobe®RGB Changetocolortemperatureinc onformancewithAdobe®RGB.
sRGB Changetocolortemperatureinconfor mancewithsRGB.
EBU Changetocolortemperatureinconform ancewithEBU.
REC709 Changetocolortemperatureinconform ancewithREC709.
REC1886 Changetocolortemperatureinconforma ncewithREC1886.
SMPTE-C Changetocolortemper atureinconformancewithSMPTE- C.
DCI Changetocolortemperatureinconfor mancewithDCI.
User Displayedwhengainischanged.
1. Choose “Color” f rom the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “ Temperature” from “Color”, and press .
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Pre ss to exit.
• “Gai n” allows you to perform more advanced adjus tment (see “To adjust gain” (page 26)).
●To adjust gamma
Gamma can be adjusted. The br ightness of the monitor varies depending on the input sig nal, however, the
variation rate is not proportional to the i nput signal. To keep the balance between the input signal and the
brightness of the monitor is called as “Gam ma correction”.
Settings Purpose
1.6to2.7 Setthegammavalue.
Adobe®RGB Setthegammacurvedene dbyAdobe®RGB.
sRGB SetthegammacurvedenedbysRGB.
EBU SetthegammacurvedenedbyEBU.
REC709 SetthegammacurvedenedbyREC709.
REC1886 SetthegammacurvedenedbyREC1886.
SMPTE-C Setthegammacurvede nedbySMPTE-C.
DCI SetthegammacurvedenedbyDCI.
1. Choose “Color” f rom the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “G amma” from “Color”, and press .
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Pre ss to exit.
• The g amma curve can be adjuste d to L* by using ColorNavigator. For details, refer to the ColorNavigator User’s Manual
(on the CD-ROtM).