38 Chapter4SelfCalibration
4-4. Setting the calibration targetsIn CAL mode, white point, color gamut and gamma can be se t as adjustment targets.
• Adjust ment targets will be applied only to t he currently displayed CAL mode.
1. Choose “Color” f rom the Adjustment menu, and press .
2. Choose “ Target” from “Color”, and press .
The target setting wi ndow appears.
3. Choose “ Brightness”, and press .
4. Set the t arget brightness with or , and press .
5. Choose “ White Point”, and press .
The white point setting wi ndow appears.
- Whe n setting color coordinates, select “White (x)” and “White(y)” and press . T hen set the
respective values. Set within 0.2400 to 0.4500.
- Whe n specifying color temperature, select “Temperatu re” and press .
Settings Function
4000Kto10000K Specif ycolortemperatureinunitsof100K.
Adobe®RGB Changetocolortemperatureinc onformancewithAdobe®RGB.
sRGB Changetocolortemperatureinconfor mancewithsRGB.
EBU Changetocolortemperatureinconform ancewithEBU.
REC709 Changetocolortemperatureinconform ancewithREC709.
REC1886 Changetocolortemperatureinconforma ncewithREC1886.
SMPTE-C Changetocolortemper atureinconformancewithSMPTE- C.
DCI Changetocolortemperatureinconfor mancewithDCI.
• W hen color coordinates are changed, t he color temperature is changed t o “User”.
Press to exit.
6. Choose “Color Gamut ”, and press .
The color gamut setting window app ears. The color gamut dened by each st andard can be selected.
Settings Function
Native Displayimagesinthemonitor’soriginalc olorgamut.
Adobe®RGB Displayimagesinthecolorg amutdenedbyAdobe®RGB.
sRGB Displayimagesinthecolorgamutdene dbysRGB.
EBU DisplayimagesinthecolorgamutdenedbyEBU.
REC709 DisplayimagesinthecolorgamutdenedbyREC709.
REC1886 DisplayimagesinthecolorgamutdenedbyREC1886.
SMPTE-C Displayimagesintheco lorgamutdenedbySMPTE-C.
DCI DisplayimagesinthecolorgamutdenedbyDCI .
• To set a color gamut other th an those specied by each stand ard, specify the color coordi nates of each RGB color at
“Gamut Settings”. The “Color Gamut” set ting will automatically change t o “User” at this time.
• Clippi ng can be set at “Gamut Settings”. For details on clippi ng, see (“To set clipping” (page 25)).