ESPEED provides an easy way to change the processor speed if your application program does not recognize the Ctrl keyboard commands or if you want to include the program command in a batch file.
The ESPEED program is provided with your system on the Reference diskette. If you do not have a hard disk, insert your Reference diskette in drive A and log onto drive A before you enter the command to start the program.
If you have a hard disk drive, copy the file ESPEED.COM from your Reference diskette onto your hard disk and run the program from there.
For information on how to run the ESPEED program, type the following at the
You see this display:
No Parm : Displays current CPU Speed
H: Set to High Speed
L: Set to Low Speed
?: Help Message
The message tells you the switches you should use to set the speed to high or low. For example, to select low speed, type the following and press Enter:
To change the processor speed back to high, enter this command:
Enhancing System Operations