4.1.2 Bi-D (Bidirectional Printing) Alignment Adjustment
The bidirectional alignment is required when the printer mechanism, main board, or printhead
(board) is replaced. Performing this adjustment determines a compensation value to rectify any
deviation in the print position. This deviation could be caused by the different print speeds, which
are due to tolerances in the mechanical components, or to differences in print timing between
odd-numbered lines and even-numbered lines in bidirectional printing. The printer stores the
compensation data in the EEPROM on the C162 MAIN board and refers to this data when
performing bidirectional printing.
1. Connectthe PC tothe target printer, and turn the printer on.
2. ExecuteBASIC on the PC and run the program “VERxxx.BAS.”
1. Destination Setting
2. Head Angle Confirmation PatternPrinting
(Black Head Spacer Selection)
3. Head Vertical Position Confirmation
4. Head Gap Adjustment
5. Bi-D Adjustment
6. Internal Timer Reset
7. END
3. When the main menu appears, choose “Bi-D Adjustment” by typing5and ENTER.(Theprinter
printsa check pattern with a sample compensation value .)
4. The next menu appears on the display.
Input Bi-D value No. (-30=No.≤=30,If O.K, i nput [Y] key.)?_
5. If the sample print is not vertically aligned for both the odd-numbered and even-numbered
lines,enter acompensation value in the range from 30 to +30.
Positive compensation value: Shiftsthe 2nd line to the left
Negative compensation value: Shiftsthe 2nd line to the right
When the sample print becomes vertically aligned for both lines, press Yand ENTER;this
returns you to the main menu.
6. Choose“END” bytyping 7and ENTER. The next message appears on the display.
All parameters that you havespecified so far
Turn the printer OFF, Now!
7. Turnoff the printer.
Stylus Pro XL Adjustments
Rev. A 4-3