This section explains how the ink system is controlled to protect the printhead and ink supply
system and to ensure high-quality output. Ink system control is composed of the following
Power On WipingOpe ration 1
Cleaning Selection WipingOpe ration 2
MicroAbsorbing Cleaning RubbingOper ation
Power Off DisengageOn
PrintStart Disengage Off
Refresh Micro Absorbing
Standby CarriageLock Se t
FalseAbsorbing CarriageLock Reset
InkCartridge Replacement Refresh (when loading or ejecting paper)
Forwarding (not described)
Theseink system operations are controlled by the following counters and timers:
Refresh Timer Monochrome/ Color Head Timer
FlushingCounter InkLevel Counter R
CLC ounter K Protect Counter
Operating Principles Stylus Pro XL
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