A/V Mute, 29, 35, 52, 54 About menu, 42, 55 to 56 Accessories, 7 to 8, 76 Adobe Acrobat Reader, 3 to 4 Advanced menu, 42, 54 to 55
Air filter, cleaning and replacing, 59 to 60
Aspect ratio, 28, 95 Audio
adjusting volume, 29, 34, 48 to 49 cables, 6
outputting to external sound system, 79 problems, 66, 73
turning off (using A/V Mute), 29, 35 Audio Out jack, 79
audio, 6, 14, 19, 79, 82, 85 computer, 6 to 8, 12, 80, 83 to 84 mouse, 6 to 8, 13, 81, 84
Cables (continued) purchasing, 8 video, 6 to 8, 15 to 18
Capturing image, 51 to 52 Carrying case, 8, 63 Ceiling mount, 8, 78 Cleaning
air filter, 59 to 60 lens, 58 projector case, 58
Component video cable, 7, 15 Composite video cable, 15 Computer
connector pin assignments, 101 saving settings for, 47 to 48
Computers supported, 1 Connecting projector
to a BNC computer source, 18 to a desktop Macintosh, 83 to 85 to a desktop PC, 80 to 82
to a DVI computer source, 88 to a
to a second computer, 86 to a video source, 15 to 18
Digital visual interface, see DVI Dimensions, 96
Index 105