In some applications, you can add a frame around the picture if you want to move it around on the page or resize it. In other applications, you create a frame first, and then place the picture in it. For instructions, see your application’s online help or documentation.
Using Drag and Drop From an Album
(Not Available in All Operating
Once you have transferred your pictures into albums, you
can easily drag and drop them into documents or other
Getting Images With Copy and Paste
You can use this method to place a picture in just about any type of document or project. Follow these steps:
1Open your picture in Image Expert.
2Click the Copy button or select Copy from the Edit menu.
3Start your word processor or other application.
4Open the document where you want to use the picture.
5Choose Paste (or Paste Special) from the Edit menu. A copy of the picture appears in your document.
Dragging and dropping an image into a document works only with
Follow these steps:
1Start Image Expert as described in Chapter 4.
2Click View Pictures from an Existing Album.