Choose Resize from the Image menu. You see a dialog box like the following:
This box changes size to reflect the numbers you enter
Type a new number for the width or height. To maintain your image’s proportions, both numbers change together. If you want to distort your image, click Preserve Aspect Ratio to deselect it.
Rotating an Image
You can click the Rotate tool to quickly rotate a picture to the right. For more options, select Rotate from the Image
If you rotate an image displayed in an album (without opening it in
the Image Expert window), you can’t undo it.
You can choose one of the following:
◗Left (90 degrees counterclockwise)
◗Right (90 degrees clockwise)
◗Exact (specify the degree of rotation)
◗Free (interactive rotation, as described below)
If you want to experiment with rotation, choose Free and follow these steps:
1Click on your image and hold down the mouse. Your pointer turns into the rotation tool.