Select Italic Print
Escape sequence: ESC 4
Hexadecimal: 1B 34
This command causes the printer to print characters from the Epson italic
character set for either draft or LQ printing. This command is valid even if
the printer has received an ESC t SOH command to invoke the Epson
extended graphics character set; however, character graphics cannot be
Cancel Italic Print
Escape sequence: ESC 5
Hexadecimal: 1B 35
Select Master Print Mode
Escape sequence: ESC ! n
Hexadecimal: 1B 6B n
This command selects a type style for LQ and draft-quality printing.
The variable n (a hexadecimal value) can be any valid combination
of the following character pitches and print modes.
q10 cpi — decimal 0, hexadecimal 00
q12 cpi — decimal 1, hexidecimal 01
qCompressed — decimal 4, hexadecimal 04
qShadow — decimal 8, hexadecimal 08
qBoldface — decimal 16, hexadecimal 10
qExpanded — decimal 32, hexadecimal 20
qItalic — decimal 64, hexadecimal 40
qUnderline — decimal 128, hexadecimal 80
Epson FX Printer Emulation Mode 8-30