The problem may be that the printer is not ready to print. Make sure the printer is ready to print. For more information, see the Getting Ready Guide.

The status information does not match the real status of the printer

EPSON Status Monitor 3 monitors the printer at regular intervals. You may need to wait until EPSON Status Monitor 3 monitors the printer again, and automatically changes the status.

Windows shared printers cannot be monitored

Monitoring of shared printers is set internally by EPSON Status Monitor 3. To monitor Windows shared printers, right-click the Network Neighborhood and then click Properties. Verify that file and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks is shown in the list of installed components.

Also, verify that EPSON Status Monitor 3 is installed in the computer hosting the Windows shared printer, and be sure that the Allow monitoring of shared printers check box is checked in the Monitoring Preferences dialog box.

In Windows 98/95, IPX/SPX compatible protocols cannot be set on the network module.

Cannot install the printer driver in Windows
