Using EPSON Status Monitor 2 5-3
Cardinal U/G
Rev. C
11/6/98 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
Kimura _______
Nishi _______
Hoadley _______
5. Click OK. The installation starts. Follow the instructions on
the screen.
After you install EPSON Status Monitor 2 and restart your
computer, the Status Monitor starts automatically and adds a
printer-shaped background mo nitoring icon to the taskbar at th e
bottom of your computer screen. This icon appears only when the
Status Monitor is active.
Accessing EPSON Status Monitor 2
To open the EPSON Status Monitor 2 window shown below,
double-click the printer-shape d background monitoring icon o n
the taskbar at the bottom of your co mputer screen. You can also
open this window from the Start menu. Click Start, point to
Programs and Epson, then click EPSON Status Monitor 2.