Using Epson Remote!

To make changes to the default settings with Epson Remote!, follow these steps:1.Change to the directory you specified, for example:C:\EPREMOTE\.2.Type PANEL (C:\EPREMOTE\PANEL), and press Enter.

You’ll see the printer settings that can be changed while the printer is on, for example, the bin selection and print directian.

3.Change the desired settings.4.Press F1 to save the settings. (The settings are then sent to the printer.)5.Press F2 to leave the menu.6.Type PRNSET (C:\EPREMOTE\PRNSET), and press Enter.

You’ll see the printer’s default settings, which are described in “Changing the Default Settings” in Chapter 3.

7.Change the desired settings.8.Press F1 to save your settings and F2 to leave the menu.

Setting Up the Printer 1-19