
This command specifies the reading color (color or monochrome), the page, line, or byte sequence mode in color reading, and the dropout color in monochrome reading.

Color page sequence reading

The scanner scans the document three times, for green, red, and blue, and produces three pages of image data that can be overlaid to reproduce a full color image. Since the image data can be divided into three sets, it is easier for a computer with limited storage, memory, or processing speed to handle.

Color line sequence reading

The scanner scans the document in one pass of the carriage, reading green, red, and blue for every line. This yields a more accurate color separation and, because the color for each pixel can be determined as soon as it is scanned, the color correction function can be used.

Color byte sequence reading

The scanner scans the document in one pass of the carriage, reading green, red, and blue for every byte.

Monochrome reading (standard)

In this mode, the scanner scans the document in one pass, and scans the image in monochrome (black and white) format. With 8 bits per pixel selected for the data format, the image data produced can contain up to 256 shades of gray. In standard monochrome reading, the dropout color is determined by the scanner model.

3-20Command Reference