5.Following the order on the previous page, send the command to set the scanning area and send any other commands necessary to prepare for scanning. For details on these commands, see Chapter 3.

6.Send the ESC f command. Check if the option is enabled and make sure no error has occurred. In an error occurs, perform the proper error recovery procedures.

7.Send the ESC G (Start scanning) command.

8.Receive the image data. If an error occurs during data reception, the status byte’s error flag and area end flag are set to 1, and the byte counter is set to 0; scanning then ends. After clearing the cause of the error, send the ESC @ (Initialize the scanner) command to reset the scanner and return to step 4.

9.After image scanning is complete, send the FF (Eject document) command (only if you are using the ADF).

10.To repeat scanning, return to step 6.

11.If you don’t plan to use an installed option, always send the ESC e command to disable the option before you begin scanning.

Command Usage 2-25