Printer Output A (High density printers)

This setting is appropriate for printing on high density printers, such as 24-dot printers and laser printers. Since high density printing increases the darker components of the image, this setting compensates by producing data that is lighter than that used by a CRT display.

Printer Output B (Low density printers)

This mode is suitable for low density printing on 8 dot (9 pin) printers. This mode is similar to the Printer Output A mode, but the conversion curve is slightly different to compensate for the different printer characteristics. This mode is also suitable for printing on printers that produce finer dots, such as high-resolution laser printers and ink jet printers.

Printer Output C (High contrast, for mixed images and text) This setting is suitable for images that require more clarity and distinction, such as mixtures of text and graphics. It is also suitable for printing on laser printers that can produce more distinct images than impact dot matrix printers. As shown in the graph above, this mode makes lighter parts as light as possible, and darker parts as dark as possible.


The default gamma correction (CRT Display A) is used if 03H is specified for the i parameter without first downloading a user-defined gamma table (ESC z).

Command Reference 3-41