Image Processing Commands
Image processing commands are used to modify scanned data before sending it to the computer. Two commands are available: halftone processing and color correction.
1. Set halftoning mode (ESC B)
Thiscom m and enablesordisableshalftone processing for
Thiscom m and also enablesordisablesTextEnhancem ent Technology.Thisfunction isonly availableforB5 orA 5 com m and levelscannersorhigher.
❏No data processing
Unprocessed data is sent directly to the computer. Use this setting when scanning characters or line art that needs no processing.
❏Halftoning mode A
Produces hard tones using the Error Diffusion method, producing images with higher contrast. This is appropriate for most images.
❏Halftoning mode B
Produces soft tones using the Error Diffusion method. This method produces a softer image than halftoning
mode A.
❏Halftoning mode C
Produces an image using a screen, again using the Error Diffusion method.
❏Dither mode A
Processes data using a 4×4 bayer pattern
Command Usage