For example, if you specify 8 bits per pixel for each color, the scanner produces 8 bits of data per pixel per color. This requires eight times the data necessary to represent 1 bit/pixel/color. As the number of bits per color changes, the data format for each byte of data changes as shown below:

ESC D and other commands

Halftone processing with the ESC B command is only available when the number of bits/color/pixel is set to 1 or 2.

Setting the data format to 2 bits/color/pixel disables halftoning modes B and C on the GT-1000, GT-4000, GT-6000, GT-6500, ES-300C, and ES-600C. (You can select halftoning modes B and C, but mode A processing takes place instead.) Selecting a data format of 3 bits/color/pixel disables all halftoning modes on all scanner models.

2-6Command Usage