Items not affected by function level
Although higher command levels include all the previous commands of lower command levels, the parameters for commands used to set the scanning area (ESC R, ESC H, ESC A) are independent of function level. These parameters are determined by the physical characteristics of each scanner; obtain the values available for these parameters by checking the ID information.
The resolutions available vary by scanner model and can be obtained from the ID information returned by the scanner when you send the Request ID command. If you use the ESC R command to specify a resolution that is not available on the connected scanner, a command error results. The last resolution listed in the ID information is the maximum resolution available on the connected scanner.
❏Maximum scannable area
The maximum scannable area (# of main scan dots × # of sub scan dots) you can set with the ESC A command differs by scanner model. This value can be calculated from the maximum resolution and maximum area values found in the ID information.
❏Zoom setting increments (1% or 10%)
You can adjust the zoom value from 50% to 200%. However, the minimum increment you can use to adjust the zoom value differs by scanner model, and is either 1% or 10%. If you make a zoom setting that is not a multiple of 10% on a scanner that only allows 10% increments, the scanner rounds the setting to the nearest increment of 10%. (The scanner either corrects or deletes image data to conform with the ESC A setting. Although this can result in the image differing slightly from what you expect, you do not need to take this into consideration within your program.)
To determine whether an option is installed on the connected scanner, send the ESC F command and check the option flag in the resulting status byte. You should also use the ESC f command to determine the maximum scannable area when the option is installed.