To choose automatic answering – Auto
If you choose automatic answering mode, an incoming call will be answered automatically after one ringing signal if the phone is used with handsfree quipment.
To personal se the greeting displayed each time he phone
is turned~GreetingSETTINGS(On)on – Greeting
greeting that you choose yourself. Letters are entered with the numeric keys 2 – 9 . Refer to the table in chapter 3.
Instead of the greeting Welcome, which is displayedPhoneeach time the phone is turned on, you can have your phone display a welcome
The Greeti g function also lets you turn the greeting text off.
To have your phone number displayed each time the phone
is turned(~noSETTINGS– Phone)no
You can ave your phone number displayed each time you turn the phone on.
To enter the phone number:
Press YEShonenoUMBER.
Press YESPresent?.
Press(~NewnumberPHONENUMBERR. )
Press YES.
Enter~Phone(0123456789)theSETTINGSnumbernoandpress YES.
If you use your phone with the Mobile Office kit:
You can NUMBERalso e ter your fax and/or data number.
Scroll w th /Luntil Fax no or Data no appears.
To enter the fax or data number, proceed as described above under To enter the phone
Different ringing signals for phone calls, fax calls and data calls:
Select Phone no, Fax no or Data no, and press YES wh n the question Present? appears.
If you sel cted the Data no, the Ring level and Ring~RingDATASETTINGtype(MelodQQQqqqfunctionstplevye1)lappear as follows:
You can then et ringing different ringing signals for phone call , fax calls and data calls.
To select another language
in the~Language(English)SETTINGSdisplay – Language
The phone is normally delivered with English text in the display. This function lets you select a language other than English.
Press YES. Scroll with R/Luntil you find the desired language, for example German,
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