Instaltal lationandandOperation,cont’d
Installation Overview
This is an overview of the installation process. You will find detailed installation and operation instructions in this chapter.
To install and set up the RGB 201 Rxi interface, follow these basic steps:
NSync polarity,
Turn all of the equipment (computers, remote controls, interface, projector/monitor, local monitor, and speakers or other audio device) off. Disconnect the power cords from the power source.
If you want the interface to always output positive sync or negative sync, rather than following the input sync polarity, open the interface and shift the internal jumpers as necessary. See Internal Configuration and its subsection, Sync polarity jumpers, in this chapter.
If you want the interface to output RsGsBs video, open the interface and shift the internal DIP switches as necessary. See Internal Configuration and its subsection, Internal sync DIP switches (RsGsBs), in this chapter.
If you want the clamp the sync timing of the video output to the sync tip rather than the back porch, open the interface and shift the internal jumper as necessary. See Internal Configuration and its subsection, Video clamping jumper, in this chapter.
Install the rubber feet for tabletop use, or install the appropriate brackets and furniture or rack mount the interface. See Mounting the Interface in this chapter.
Connect the inputs (computers), output (display, local monitor, and audio), and remote control. See Rear Panel Connections and Switches in this chapter.
Set the rear panel DIP switches. See Rear Panel Connections and Switches in this chapter as a guide.
Connect power cords and turn on the devices: output devices (projector, monitors, speakers), remote control device, interface, and source computers.
Adjust horizontal and vertical centering, and also level and peaking to obtain the best picture.