Alert Report Manager | Report Manager |
•Alert Generated Time (day or time interval that the alerts occurred)
•Report Generate Schedule:
•One Time Only (snapshot of current alerts typically used for archiving purposes)
•Schedule (run according to the schedule specified in Set
•Report Format (Columns you want to appear and/or be used to sort your report):
•File Format
•Aggregate Violations checkbox (enables whether similar violations are put in a single Alert record; otherwise, each violation has its own record.)
You must check the Enable Report checkbox for your report to run. You must click the Save button to save your report settings.
Saved and Enabled Report
Once saved, your report will show up on the Current Reports page.
Using the Select Checkbox to Affect Multiple Reports
You can Delete, Enable, or Disable one or more reports from the Current Reports screen using the [Delete], [Enable], or [Disable] buttons, respectively. To perform these operations all of the reports in your list, check the Select checkbox in the
| FortiDB Version 3.2 Utilities User Guide |
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