2.When the computer displays with no red dot between the first and second dashes (indicating that the frypot contents are within the cooking range), press the switch once to display the temperature of the cooking oil or shortening as sensed by the temperature probe.
3.Press the switch twice to display the set point.
4.Note the temperature on the thermometer or pyrometer. All three readings should be within ±5°F (2°C) of each other. If not, contact a Factory Authorized Service Center for assistance.
Clean Gas Valve Vent Tube
1.Carefully unscrew the vent tube from the valve. (NOTE: The vent tube may be straightened for easier removal.)
2.Pass a piece of ordinary binding wire (.052 inch diameter) through the tube to remove any obstruction.
3.Remove the wire and blow through the tube to ensure it is clear.
4.Reinstall tube and bend it so that the opening is pointing downward.
Check Burner Manifold Pressure
This task should be performed by qualified service personnel only. Contact FASC to
arrange this service.
Do not run water or
cause irreparable damage to the pump, and the warranty will be voided.
5.2FootPrint Pro Filtration System Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
There are no periodic preventive maintenance checks and services required for your FootPrint Pro Filtration System other than daily cleaning of the filter pan, screen, and
If you notice that the system is pumping slowly or not at all, verify that the filter pan screen is on the bottom of the filter pan, with the paper on top of the screen. If the filter screen and paper are correctly installed, change the filter paper and verify that the