F9600 F9600c
F9600 F9600c
96 pages
47.24 Kb
Annoyance Call Alarm
Issue 1, January
Dictation Machine Access
Feature Codes
Follow me cancellation
To page using paging meet-me
To change the mode to Day mode
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F9600 F9600c
046-015 Issue 1, January
Fujitsu Business Communication Systems
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Cont’d
List of Tables
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General Information
Dial the account code registration code
Account Code
To register an Account Code call
Account Code Forced
To register the Account Code-Forced feature
Dial the annoyance call alarm code
Annoyance Call Alarm
To activate the Annoyance Call Alarm
Dial the annoyance call hold code
Annoyance Call Hold
To place a call in Annoyance Call Hold
To transfer a call back to the attendant
Attendant Recall
Dial the authorization code
Authorization Code
To place a call using your Authorization Code
To place a network-linked AAR call
Automatic Alternate Routing AAR
To place an ARS call
Automatic Route Selection ARS
Dial the ARS manual
Automatic Route Selection Manual Advance
Dial the bad line reporting
BAD Line Reporting
To report a bad line
Call Forward ALL Calls
Dial the call forward Busy/no answer Registration code
To cancel Call Forward Busy/No Answer
Busy/no answer Cancellation code
Call Forward BUSY/NO Answer
To register Call Forward Follow Me from another extension
To cancel Call Forward Follow Me
Follow me cancellation
Call Forward Follow ME
Dial the call forward all calls
Call Forward Follow Me Contd
Dial the call forward no answer registration code
To cancel Call Forward No Answer
Answer cancellation code
Call Forward no Answer
Dial the call forward registration code
Call Forward Password
To cancel Call Forward Follow Me from another extension
Call Forward Password Follow ME
To cancel Call Forward Follow Me at your extension
Call Forward Password Follow Me Contd
Call Hold
Dial the call park retrieval
To place a call in a parking position
Call Park/Retrieval Contd
Dial the call pick-up code
To answer a call in your pick-up group
To answer any ringing extension
Call PICK-UP Directed
Dial the call pick-up multi-group code
To transfer a call to another extension
Call Transfer To Another Extension
Dial the speed calling code
Call Transfer To An Outside Party
To transfer a call to an outside party
To answer the Call Waiting
To transfer a connected call and return to the call on hold
Call Waiting Answer/Alternate/Transfer Contd
To alternate between the original and the waiting call
Dial the call waiting return code instead of hanging up
Call Waiting Answer/Alternate/Transfer Contd
To register camp-on to an AAR/ARS route
To camp-on to a busy extension or outside line
Camp-On Contd
To cancel a registered camp-on
Dial the code call answer code and the zone number
To answer a Code Call when you hear the code call tone
Code Call
To place a Code Call
Dial the data secure
To register the Data Secure Selective feature
Data Secure Selective
To change the mode to Night mode
To change the mode to Day mode
Dial the specific dictation
Dictation Machine Access
To access a Dictation Machine
Dial the do not disturb
To cancel a registered Do Not Disturb
Do not Disturb DND
To register Do No Disturb to your extension
Dial the DND advisory message registration code
Do not Disturb DND Advisory Message
To register Do Not Disturb Advisory Message
To change an advisory message
To cancel a registered advisory message
Dial the DND cancellation
Do Not Disturb DND Advisory Message Contd
To register Do Not Disturb from another extension
To cancel DND from another extension
Dial the DND from another extension cancellation code
Do not Disturb DND from Another Extension
Dial the DND override
Do not Disturb DND Override
To register a DND Override
Do not Disturb DND Selective Exemption
Dial the eight-way conference code
EIGHT-WAY Conference
Eight-Way Conference Contd
Dial the emergency call to
Emergency Call to Attendant
To place an emergency call to the attendant
To place an outside call
Placing a Call
To place a call to an attendant console
To place an inside call
Dial the executive busy
Executive Busy Override
Dial the executive camp-on
Executive CAMP-ON
To register the Executive Camp-On
To page a party
Group Paging Through DT Speakers
Dial the hookflash signal code
Hookflash Signal to Trunk
To register a hookflash signal
Dial the calling number
Isdn Calling Number Privacy
To allow your did number to be sent to the destination
Isdn Calling Number Privacy Cont’d
Dial the last number redial
Last Number Redial
To automatically redial the last number called
To establish the conference call at the agreed date and time
MEET-ME Conference
Message Waiting MW Overview
Dial the message waiting answer retrieval code
Message Waiting Time Stamped Callback Tscb
Dial the message waiting code
To answer a waiting message
Dial the message waiting
To cancel a registered Tscb waiting message
Message Waiting Time Stamped Callback Tscb Contd
Dial the canned/semi-free message registration code
Message Waiting Canned SEMI-FREE Text
Message Waiting Canned Semi-Free Text Contd
To cancel a registered Canned/Semi-Free Text Message Waiting
To page over all tenant zones
To page over all system zones
Dial the paging system
Dial the paging individual
To page using an individual zone
To page using paging meet-me
Paging Contd
Dial the paging answer
To answer a
To use RSA from an outside telephone
Remote System Access RSA
Dial the silent monitor
To cancel monitoring and return to normal status
Silent Monitor
To monitor other calls
ACD group registration
Silent Monitor by ACD Group
To monitor other calls in an ACD group
Dial the silent monitor by
Dial the speed calling registration code
Speed Calling
To place a speed call
Speed Calling Contd
To add another extension for a Three-Way Conference call
THREE-WAY Conference Extension
To add an outside party for a Three-Way Conference call
THREE-WAY Conference Outside Party
Universal Night Answer
To answer a call when the night answer alarm sounds
Dial the universal registration code
To assign Universal Registration to a specific extension
Dial the universal cancellation code
Universal Registration/Cancellation Cont’d
To cancel Universal Registration from a specific extension
Action Results
Dial the message waiting return code
Voice Message
To leave a voice message
To listen to a voice message registered to your extension
To receive a Whisper Call Announcement
Whisper Call Announce
Feature Feature Code
Feature Codes
Feature Feature Code
Feature Codes Contd
ON/OFF Interval Tone Type Seconds
Ringing Patterns
Code Call Zone List
Paging Zone List
Group Paging List
Code Call Paging Zones