Contents of the Setup or Browse Mode

This section describes the contents of the setup mode.

The setup mode can be classified into 35 types.

Setup item











Paper length check

Enables or disables the function which

The selection set by the host computer cannot


detects a paper length error.

be changed.






Doublefeed check

Enables or disables the function which

The selection set by the host computer cannot


detects the paper thickness.

be changed.








Paper thickness setup

Sets the permissible paper thickness to





detect a double feed error.









Skew check

Enables or disables the function which





detects a skew error.







IPC-3 mode

Selects a pattern to be set in the image

• Overrides the selection set by the host


processing option.









Hopper height

Sets the initial position of the hopper.









Paper separation level

Sets the power of separating sheets of












Drop-out color

Selects a drop-out color.

The selection set by the host computer cannot



be changed.






Background changeover

Sets the Background to “white” or “Black”

The selection set by the host computer cannot



be changed.








Consumable counter

Sets the interval (in ten thousands) in which





a consumable alarm occurs.







Consumable counter

Reset the accumulated count value of the

Displayed in setup mode selected by turning


consumable counter.

power on with






Consumable alarm mode

Sets the mode how to notify the alarm

Displayed in setup mode selected by turning


generation when the accumulated

power on with




consumable counter value reaches to the





setting value.










Activates or inactivates the buzzer sound





when an error occurs.









Buzzer volume

Sets the volume of buzzer or click sound.









LCD contrast

Sets the contrast of the LCD.









Picking speed

Selects the speed of the pick roller.







* Endorser Initial setting

Sets whether to enable the endorser

The details and the operation method, please


imprinting process, and to set the initial value

refer to the “M4099D/M4099DC/fi-4990/fi-4990C


of the imprinting number.

Image Scanner Operator’s Guide : Option”.






* Endorser Reset

Sets whether to reset the number to be





imprinted by Endoser every time when the





Hopper Empty is detected.









* Endorser Reset

Reset the number to be imprinted by Endoser.









* Ink Counter Reset

Reset the print head life counter.










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Fujitsu fi-4990C manual Contents of the Setup or Browse Mode