PRIMERGY RX200 S2 User’s Guide
OS Installation Using ServerStart
3.4.2 System Requirements for Remote Resource/PXE Servers
Because remote installation is performed via a network, the environment must have at least one
Windows server and a local area network.
In addition, the following environment is required.

Remote Resource/PXE Server Requirements

Notes on the PXE server
Check that no other PXE server exists on the same LAN.
Servers installed with software with the PXE function such as SystemcastWizard/SystemcastWizard
Professional, Quick Recovery Manager, or the Microsoft RIS function cannot be used as a PXE server.

Checking Server Free Space

Decide a server to use as a remote resource server / PXE server and check it for enough free space for
storing resources.
Checking the Number of Servers
When you have only one server, use it as the remote resource server, PXE server, and DHCP service
server. Check it for the required amount of free space.
When you have multiple servers
• Check if a server performing the DHCP service exists. If not, decide a server for the DHCP
• When there are multiple resources, they can be divided and stored in multiple remote resource
table: System Requirements for Remote Resource/PXE Servers
PXE server Remote resource server
OS Windows 2000 Server SP2 - SP4 Windows Server 2003
Windows 2000 Server
Windows NT Server 4.0
Memory 256MB or more 256MB or more
• DHCP server function (required on the same
• File sharing function (required)
• File sharing function (required)