Furuno FM-8800D manual #$#!%

Models: FM-8800D

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12.Choose a channel with the CH knob (or up / down arrow key) and press the ENT key.

13.Press the ENT key to open the name entry window.

14.Enter a name with the alphanumeric keys. To change a digit, rotate the CH

knob. Press the ENT￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿'key. (￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿)￿￿￿￿


15.REGIST is selected; press the ENT key to register. To erase, rotate the CH knob to select ERASE and press the ENT key.

To send a message file:


1)Press the CALL key.

2)Choose call type and press the ENT key.

3)Highlighting xxx ID, press the FILE key to display list of message files.

4)Choose file to send and press the ENT key..

5)Set the Routine, TCmd1, TCmd2 and CH.

6)Press the CALL key more than three seconds.


1)Press the FILE key at the standby display.

2)Choose a file you want to send and press the ENT key.

3)Press the CALL key more than three seconds.


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Furuno FM-8800D manual #$#!%