1.48 Alarms
The table below shows the alarm indications which appear on the display screen.
Table 1-6 Alarms
Fault | Audible alarm | Visual alarm | To quit alarm status |
Heading failure | beeps | Heading label reads | Match the |
| "xxx.x° " and the message | readout with the actual |
| "GYRO SIGNAL MISSING" | compass reading, if necessary. |
| appears in red. | To stop audible alarm press |
| Display is automatically | the [AUDIO OFF] key. |
| switched to |
| within 1 min. |
Target alarm | Beeps | Target flashes. | Press [TGT ALARM] key. |
| (Section 1.22). |
Watch alarm | Beeps | WATCH 0:00 | Press the [AUDIO OFF] key. |
| (Label "WATCH TIM" turns | The label WATCH turns to |
| red and time count freezes | normal video and the timer is |
| at "0:00."). | reset (Section 1.36). |
Own ship lat/lon | None | "xxx.x" in own ship position | Make sure that own ship |
Cursor lat/lon |
| field | position data is fed from |
| "xxx.x" in cursor position | external radionav equipment. |
| field |
System failure | None | Message "AZI SIGNAL |
| MISSING" appears. No |
| radar echoes. |
Incorrect | Double beep tone | None | Correct keystroke is responded |
keystroke |
| by a single beep provided that |
| KEY BEEP ON is selected at |
| installation. |
Log failure | 2 beeps | LOG "xx.x" and "SLOG | If the log has failed, use the |
| SIGNAL MISSING" appear, | Manual Speed mode, or other |
| if no log signal is input for | appropriate sensor. |
| 30 sec while own ship |
| speed has been less than |
| 0.5 kt. |
EPFS failure | Continuous beep | EPFS in red (EPFS: | To silence the beep, press the |
| Electronic | [AUDIO OFF] key. |
| System). The indication also |
| appears when the GPS |
| mode is switched between |
| GPS and DPGS. |
SOG indication | None | SOG (in red) appears at | The radar does not |
| the top right corner when | automatically reset itself to |
| SOG option is selected on | receive an SOG data even if |
| the menu but the associated | the SDME regains a bottom |
| SDME fails to detect a | tracking speed. To erase SOG |
| bottom tracking speed and | indication (red), press [MENU], |
| changes to the "Speed | [0], [select |
| through the water" |
| mode automatically. |
indication |
| appears in the second data |
| cell when the presentation |
| mode is RM; goes off in the |
| |