




Specify whether you want Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption


enabled for the WDS link.


• Enabled


• Disabled


Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a data encryption protocol for 802.11


wireless networks.


Both access points on the WDS link must be configured with the same


security settings. For static WEP, a static 64-bit (40-bit secret key + 24-bit


initialization vector (IV)) or 128-bit (104-bit secret key + 24-bit IV) Shared


Key for data encryption.



Key Length

If WEP is enabled, specify the length of the WEP key:


• 64 bits


• 128 bits



Key Type

If WEP is enabled, specify the WEP key type:




• Hex




Indicates the number of characters required in the WEP key.


The number of characters required updates automatically based on how you



set Key Length and Key Type.




Type a string of characters. If you selected “ASCII”, type any combination


of 0-9. If you selected “HEX”, type hexadecimal digits (any combination of


0-9 and a-f or A-F). These are the RC4 encryption keys shared with the


stations using the access point.



Example of configuring a WDS link

When using WDS, be sure to configure WDS settings on both access points on the WDS link.

To create a WDS link between a pair of access points:

1 Open the Administration Web pages for MyAP1 (for example), by typing the IP address for MyAP1 as a URL in the Web browser address bar in the following form:


where IPAddressOfAccessPoint is the address of MyAP1.

2 Click WDS on MyAP1 Administration Web pages.

The MAC address for MyAP1 (the access point you are currently viewing) will show as the “Local Address” at the top of the page.