Transmit/receive statistics

To view transmit/receive statistics for a particular access point, select the access point you want to monitor on the Administration Web page, then click Status > Transmit/Receive Statistics. The View transmit and receive statistics for this access point screen opens.

Important The following figure shows the Transmit / Receive page for a dual band AP (Gateway 7001 802.11 A+G Wireless Access Point). The Administration Web page for the single band AP (Gateway 7001 802.11 G Wireless Access Point) will look slightly different.

This screen provides some basic information about the current access point and a real-time display of the transmit and receive statistics for this access point as described in the following table. All transmit and receive statistics shown are totals since the access point was last started. If the AP is rebooted, these figures indicate transmit/receive totals since the re-boot.