Known problems

The following table summarizes problems that have been identified in the Gateway 7001 AP software.










2690, 2703

IP address for access point may change

Use Kickstart or check DHCP logs to


when Guest Access is enabled or when the

determine new IP address for access point.


DNS name is changed.





2677, 2691,

Some actions such as enabling guest access

Physically reboot the access point by


or adding a large amount of MAC addresses

pressing the Power button on the device.


at once (15 or more) can corrupt the access

(See “Cluster recovery” on page 46 for more


point configuration file and prevent access to




the Administration Web pages.






2701, 2702,

Various events or actions such as shutdown

Reset the access point.

2735, 2737,

(power outage) or removal of an access point

Navigate to Advanced > Reset

2662, 2705

may cause problems with joining or removing

Con-figuration on the access point and click


an access point from the cluster, or with other


the Reset button.


aspects of a configuration sharing.


(See “Cluster recovery” on page 46 for more


Some of these problems may be indicated by




a red status message at the bottom of the




Administration Web page. (For example,



activator timed out.)





2726, 2727

If you have more than one access point on

Use access points in standalone mode or


a Virtual LAN (VLAN) setup, the access

reconfigure without VLAN.


points cannot cluster.






Guest Access is not a clustered feature.

Either all access points in a cluster must


However, enabling or disabling Guest

have Guest Access enabled, or all access


Access on any one access point in a cluster

points in a cluster must have Guest Access


configuration “partially” syncs to other cluster




Whenever you change the Guest Access




If you enable or disable Guest Access on one

status of one access point in a cluster,


access point in a cluster without immediately

immediately change the Guest Access


making the same configuration change to all

status in the same way on the other cluster


other cluster members, inconsistent behavior

members to ensure consistent operation.


can occur.

To enable or disable Guest Access, navigate




For example, this can result in a scenario

to the Administration Web pages for each


where all access points are beaconing for

access point.


Guest Access, but only the access point on

If you wish to use Guest Access on only



which the change was made bridges traffic. certain access points, place these access points in standalone mode.